SaultAreHospitalHospitality byWardClerk

Maltreatment of ill patient's waiting for medical assistance in Canadian Emergency Department is not acceptable or ethical. Recently on the Public Social Media site Facebook an employee of the Sault Ste Marie Area Hospital was scrutinizing an ill patient who had been waiting to see a doctor. Christina Olsen who works in The Emergency Department of the Sault Area Hospital as a ward clerk, found it comical for her public Facebook audience to know of an ill patient that had presented in The Emergency Department during her work shift August 26 2013 .(see attachment/link) Demeaning words were clearly a lack of empathy for the ill patient, and any other patient that enters the Emergency Department of the Sault Ste. Marie Hospital. This public malicious statements on Facebook shows complete lack of empathy for the ill patient waiting for a doctor. Ms. Olsen refers to the patients "I have a tummy ache face" and stating the ill patient should "Just go sit down"... Where is the humanity and compassion for the patient in the statement? Employees who work in Hospital's of Canada including Ontario should show kindness for the sick. Ms. Olsen is employed by The Sault Area Hospital, S.A.H., she works in the centre of The Emergency Department. Patients arriving in the Emergency ward are sick and distraught, if not in critical conditions; expecting non-preferential treatment.
Uploaded: | 2013-09-16 |
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